Friday, August 29, 2008

What are you really trying to sell John?

John McCain picks Alaska's Gov. Sarah Palin for his VP running mate. Now the first thought creeping into my mind is "Come on Johnny, who are you trying to fool?"
I'm conservative. When issues arise regarding those topics that we like to argue most - abortion, the death penalty, war, occupation of other countries, ect.- I generally find myself near the middle ground but slightly to the right. Usually, I don't believe my political views should be a point of interest while writing. However, they must have some bearing here as I would not want reader's to ponder over my words here and chalk it up to another liberal rant.
McCain is battling against Obama's campaign of change. I'll give him credit for choosing a woman as his running mate as a smart move. But we all have to ask ourselves, "Do we really buy what he's selling?"
His choice seems aimed at stealing a few of the "Hilary" votes that would have otherwise not gone his way while keeping conservatives happy by choosing someone who is pro life, believes in the right to bear arms and that marriage should only be between a man and a woman.
At the very least, I see this as a step in a positive direction as far as diversity goes. Those involved in this year's election will be a culturally diverse group if nothing else. In the end, McCain's choice seems more concerned with PR than with picking someone with the necessary experience.


Ginger Carter Miller said...

Let's tie this commentary to the real purpose for the blog: learning more about public relations.

Lynn Versluys PR said...

I agree with you about your veiws on McCain choosing Sarah Palin. I think that this was totally a PR desision (I blogged about it too.) McCain needed somthing to make him stand out from being some old, republican, dude who has been labeled as Bush II. We all know the public opinions of Bush so OL' John had to do something to get him noticed.

Now that Sarah Palin's 17-year-old daughter is pregnant will this have a negative PR effect? hmmmm....