Sunday, October 19, 2008

Too much PR?

I decided to Google the words "public relations strategy." I thought for sure I would come up with some thought provoking and new way to think about PR and possibly stumble upon some innovative ways to practice PR that I hadn't thought of before.

I came across a site discussing public relations on a tight budget. It outlined 5 key steps in practicing PR while trying to squeeze value into every dollar spent.

After reading step 5, I found myself wondering about something in particular. The very first sentence says that once you start promoting your business, you should never stop.

What I began wondering is if this is actually the case. Is there ever a point when media outlets become tired of a constant stream of information about a business? But at the same time, does someone starting a new business have the responsibility to do everything in his or her power to promote his or her business?

At first glance, I would say anyone starting a business should do everything possible to promote and further the business and increase profits. This seems like the most sensible answer. However, I've been taught by some of my esteemed teachers here at GCSU (that's not sarcastic, I really do think most of them have a lot to offer) that sometimes people from newspapers can get tired of constantly receiving news releases and other information of the like.

So does this same theory apply to PR when promoting a business? Is there ever such a thing as too much PR?

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