Monday, October 6, 2008

Someone help me out

I was looking at the Facebook profile of one of GCSU's esteemed teachers and my wonderful advisor, Macon Mcginley. She has a post there of a new voting PSA. I encourage everyone who reads this blog to view the video here.

My question is this. Is a PSA closer to marketing or public relations? I contend that it has elements of both. This voting PSA is attempting to get people to vote. This seems to be an element of marketing. At the same time, the PSA is trying to relate to me an idea. In a way it is trying to instill a thought process in me, much the same way I see many companies using PR. So, someone help me out. Where do i place the PSA?

As a side note, I was a little offended by the video. Yes, I did think part of it was funny. But think about this. I feel like the video is aimed at our generation. And the way it was decided to reach out generation is to tell us not to vote and to make some crude jokes. This is what someone thought I needed to hear in order to make me vote. Pathetic.


BNK24x7 said...

Thanks for drawing my attention to this wonderful video. It's a very good way of putting across a strong message to vote by tickling your mind. Yes, this is one way of marketing or PR. A very effective way at that.
Now, I have a selfish motive. i too floated blogs on PR and other subjects. For example: Do visit my blog and send me your honest comment!

BNK24x7 said...

Thanks for drawing my attention to this wonderful video. It's a very good way of putting across a strong message to vote by tickling your mind. Yes, this is one way of marketing or PR. A very effective way at that.
Now, I have a selfish motive. i too floated blogs on PR and other subjects. For example: Do visit my blog and send me your honest comment!
B N Kumar.

PJ Schinella said...

Good post Mitchell. I would put the PSA in with PR and I'm a suprised that you are offend by this. I really don't think that they are trying to make crude jokes but rather relate to our generation is a way that we would understand. When I was watching the video I felt like I was talking to my parents.

Ginger Carter Miller said...

Some folks from my generation like Dustin Hoffman were in it, and I thought it was brilliant. But then, different strokes for different folks...

Good post -- and I vote PSA=PR. Always.

Lauren Boyd said...

Great post! I really enjoyed the video (especially Courteney Cox Arquette's allusion to "Friends"). I don't think that it is something be offended by, but rather is meant to light a fire under people who haven't given much thought to the election.

For me, a PSA is always a PR tool(even though we are currently writing them in one of my Marketing classes).

MMcGinley said...

PSA are PR, no doubt. Marketing and PR are often confused, but PSA always fall under the PR category.

Chels said...

Haha! How did you not like this? Ellen was in it, one of my favorite philosophers, and the dude from SuperBad was hilarious. I'm a little concerned about 'ol Leonardo though, where have you been? Out voting? Doubtful.

But I digress... I think it's a great PSA (PR) and I wish it had aired on my viewing channels. I don't think it's derogatory; I think it's honest. Great thing to post though.